Some points to be aware:
2D fields, not same by binary output and netcdf (high efficiency) output, one point value missing, might be the polar point. Therefore, *.bin control and *.nc sensitive is not under the same structure.
2D fields work fine under v1.9 of grads. However, 3D fields might meet some trouble. Try to use the “standard” attribution, dimention to tackle this problem. An example from NCEP-DOE dataset:
float level(level) ; level:units = “millibar” ; level:long_name = “Level” ; level:positive = “down” ; level:GRIB_id = 100s ; level:GRIB_name = “hPa” ; level:actual_range = 1000.f, 10.f ; level:axis = “Z” ;
Now we try to setup GFDL dycore model on our Neptune platform. Following steps has been used:
L35: $mkmf -p fms.x -t $template -c "-Duse_libMPI -Duse_netCDF -DUSE_LIMA -DSPMD -DLAND_BND_TRACERS" -a $sourcedir $pathnames /usr/local/include $sourcedir/shared/mpp/include $sourcedir/shared/include /home/yangsong3/soft/mpich314-intel/include /usr/netcdf-4331/include
And mkmf.template.ia64 file
LDFLAGS = -L/usr/local/lib -L/usr/netcdf-4331/lib -L/home/yangsong3/soft/mpich314-intel/lib #-lsma
We comment the “-lsma” flag because it is a flag specific to Cray machine.
Next, we compile again, frequently got this
ifort: '-i_dynamic' not supported
google it, got this
Regarding 1: -i_dynamic (the underscore form) was a option spelling used many many releases ago that was later mapped to -i-dynamic (the hyphen form) and then that form was depreciated in more current releases and it now maps to -shared-intel
So, we change it to -shared-intel, no more warning.
However, when it compiles for a long time (5min), we got error again, lots of:
/home/yangsong3/soft/GFDL_atm_dycores/exp/fv/../../src/shared/mpp/include/mpp_transmit_mpi.h:79: undefined reference to `mpi_recv_'
Then we change the ifort compile flag into mpif90, we got this
/home/yangsong3/soft/GFDL_atm_dycores/exp/fv/../../src/shared/mpp/include/mpp_io_misc.inc:116: undefined reference to `nf_inq_libvers_'
It really sucks.
#Last Edited on 20151004#
We finally stop trying and turn to CAM dynamical core simulation and it works really smooth over the CESM construction.
#Last Edited on 20151114#