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Final Configurations

PGI Compilers

Check version for the environment:

which pgcc


No MPI available. Try to compile by myself. Official Site

./configure --prefix=/home/metctm1/soft/mpich3-pgi20 FC=pgfortran F77=pgfortran CC=pgcc CXX=pgc++ rsh=ssh # no error, 10 minutes
make            # works! more than 1 hour
make install   
Environmental variables
export MPICH=/home/metctm1/soft/mpich3-pgi20
export PATH=$MPICH/bin:$PATH
export INCLUDE=$MPICH/include:$INCLUDE


Zlib for HDF5 and NetCDF4.

Install zlib from source first, defualt configurations.

Environmental variables
export ZDIR=/home/metctm1/soft/zlib-1211-gcc
export INCLUDE=${ZDIR}/include:${INCLUDE}


Choose HDF5 1.10 to avoid compatibility issues.

Try the following command to compile the HDF5 with PGI compilers.

$CPP=cpp CFLAGS="-fPIC -m64 -tp=px" CXXFLAGS="-fPIC -m64 -tp=px" FCFLAGS="-fPIC -m64 -tp=px" CC=pgcc CXX=pgc++ FC=pgfortran ./configure --with-zlib=/home/metctm1/array/soft/zlib-1.2.11-gcc --prefix=/home/metctm1/array/soft/hdf5-1.10.7-pgi20-amd --enable-hl --enable-threadsafe --enable-cxx --enable-fortran --enable-unsupported 
$make            # Successful! about 1 hour
$make install    
Environmental variables
export PATH=$HDF5/bin:$PATH
export INCLUDE=$HDF5/include:$INCLUDE


Get the latest release for C and Fortran.

Note to assign the paths explicitly!

# C Lib
CPPFLAGS='-I/home/metctm1/array/soft/hdf5-1.10.7-pgi20/include -I/home/metctm1/soft/zlib-1211-gcc/include' LDFLAGS='-L/home/metctm1/array/soft/hdf5-1.10.7-pgi20/lib -L/home/metctm1/soft/zlib-1211-gcc/lib' ./configure --prefix=/home/metctm1/array/soft/netcdf-472c453f-pgi20 --disable-dap CC=pgcc
make check
make install

# Fortran Lib
CPPFLAGS='-I/home/metctm1/array/soft/hdf5-1.10.7-pgi20/include -I/home/metctm1/soft/zlib-1211-gcc/include -I/home/metctm1/array/soft/netcdf-474c453f-pgi20/include' LDFLAGS='-L/home/metctm1/array/soft/hdf5-1.10.7-pgi20/lib -L/home/metctm1/soft/zlib-1211-gcc/lib -L/home/metctm1/array/soft/netcdf-474c453f-pgi20/lib' ./configure --prefix=/home/metctm1/array/soft/netcdf-474c453f-pgi20 --disable-dap FC=pgfortran
Environmental variables
export NETCDF=/home/metctm1/array/soft/netcdf-474c453f-pgi20/
export PATH=$NETCDF/bin:$PATH
export INCLUDE=$NETCDF/include/:$INCLUDE


./configure --prefix=/.... FC=pgfortran CC=pgcc

Modify the Makefile.conf to specify the MPI lib and include. Done.




Using the PGI compiler to compile HDF5 is quite torturous, a good reference from Fluid Numerics:

HDF5 has long been a standard for sharing scientific data across High Performance Computing (HPC) platforms. From the HDF website "HDF5 is a data model, library, and file format for storing and managing data. It supports an unlimited variety of datatypes, and is designed for flexible and efficient I/O and for high volume and complex data. HDF5 is portable and is extensible, allowing applications to evolve in their use of HDF5." Other data models, like NetCDF from UCAR, are built on top of HDF5 and are heavily used in oceanography, meteorology, and other earth science domains. Given this, many applications rely on having a usable working version of HDF5 that they can link into their applications.

The Portland Group Compilers are gaining popularity with the growing interest in accelerating HPC applications with Graphics Processing Units (GPUs). PGI compilers ship completely with the CUDA toolkit and a Fortran compiler (pgfortran) that support OpenACC and CUDA-Fortran, languages for writing code that operates on GPUs. This is a plus for Fortran programmers, who have a large presence in Department of Energy labs and in earth science departments around the world. Other options for GPU acceleration include FortranCL, CUDA (C/C++), OpenCL, and HIP. It is fair to say that the lack of activity on the main FortranCL repository for the last 6 years suggests the project has long been forgotten; this makes it unattractive for developers to latch on to this as a solution. The other languages are supported in C/C++ syntax and require Fortran programmers to develop C/C++ in addition to an ISO_C_BINDING layer to call their C-kernels from Fortran.

Building HDF5 with parallel and Fortran support with PGI compilers is not as straight-forward as building with other compilers, like GCC. I came across this issue while setting up clusters for hackathons, and defining build instructions for SELF-Fluids ( personal software project ). Through this experience, I have discovered that there are hints at the solution on the HDF Forums; in fact, this is where I found that a GNU C-preprocessor needs to be used in place of PGI's. This did enable a build of HDF5 with serial support, but the OpenMPI build that ships with PGI compilers cannot be used for parallel support, and instead OpenMPI was built from scratch.

This document provides details necessary for compiling HDF5 from source with the PGI compilers. HDF5 is built using an autotools build system. Template configure incantations are provided with the install notes along with expected output at the configure stage of the build.  Ultimately, this was a roughly 16 hour exploration into this build issue that ultimately led to its resolution. 


It was quite anoying that the root reason of the failure in compiling NetCDF is that:

  1. The system manager has compiled a legacy HDF5 (1.8.12 or so) in the root paths (/bin, /lib /usr/include) with unknown environment.
  2. If we use the following command (default from the netCDF website) with pre-assigned variables ZDIR and H5DIR, it seems make will give higher priority to the root paths than the variable-assigned paths.
CPPFLAGS='-I${H5DIR}/include -I${ZDIR}/include' LDFLAGS='-L${H5DIR}/lib -L${ZDIR}/lib' ./configure --prefix=${NCDIR} --disable-dap CC=pgcc
Error Log
configure: error: HDF5 was not built with zlib, which is required. Rebuild HDF5 with zlib.

Interesting. It seems the NETCDF does not recognize the PGI-built HDF5 embeded with GNU-built ZLIB. Go Trial II.


CPP=cpp CPPFLAGS='-I${H5DIR}/include -I${ZDIR}/include' LDFLAGS='-L${H5DIR}/lib -L${ZDIR}/lib' ./configure --prefix=${NCDIR} --disable-dap CC=pgcc

got error:

configure: error: C preprocessor "cpp" fails sanity check

The NETCDF seems to ignore the $CPP variable shift to .

Here I went back to recompile HDF5 with gcc compiler, still not work. I noticed it could be a version issue in NetCDF. Change NetCDF-C-474 back to NetCDF-C-473, both HDF5 compiled by GCC or PGI works! The question is in the $make check, the NetCDF still fails all HDF5 test with PGI compiled HDF5…

Bad situation, we need to permutate all possible combinations to get the best practice…

need to refer the official guide.


pgi-16cos7 Error in SWAN: PGF90-S-0285-Source line too long (mod_strings.f90: 228)

This is a legacy problem of PGI compiler:

Interestingly, the latest version of the PGI compilers (18.10, release last Friday) now support line lengths up to 1000 characters. That means that the problem in this bugreport is ‘solved’, or at least no longer a problem, compilation is successful out-of-the-box on the 18.10 build.

Changing compiler version does not work as the HDF5 and NetCDF depend on the PGI16. We modify the source code in ROMS/Modules/mod_strings to hard-code the multi-line char initialization.

 character (len=512) :: my_fflags =" -fastsse -Mipa=fast -Kieee -I/home/metctm1/array/soft/MCT4COAWST/include&
            & -I/home/metctm1/array/app/COAWST/COAWST201205//WRF/main -I/home/metctm1/array/app/COAWST/COAWST201205//WRF/external/esmf_time_f90&
            & -I/home/metctm1/array/app/COAWST/COAWST201205//WRF/frame -I/home/metctm1/array/app/COAWST/COAWST201205//WRF/share -Mfree -Mfree" 

Then, the final link problem:

IPA: no IPA optimizations

After comment out -Mipa=fast in ROMS, still not work (We finally found this is not needed).

We found another possible error:

WRF/main/libwrflib.a(module_ra_rrtmg_lwf.o): In function `memory_':
module_ra_rrtmg_lwf.f90:(.text+0x0): multiple definition of `memory_'
./Build/libUTIL.a(memory.o):memory.f90:(.text+0x0): first defined here 

We rename the module memory to memory_wrf and it works!



Updated 2020-12-10**

