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Compile CMAQ5 on HKUST Cluster


YQ need to use new version of CMAQ on HKUST cluster. Here we archive the procedure to refresh the CMAQ version.

We first check the pgi and mpi version, which are already loaded in the environment.

which pgfortran

which mpifort

Nice, next we compile HDF5 and NETCDF.

First download the zlib source from official site.configure, make, make install as usual.

Next, download HDF5 source code from offical site. We chose version 1.10 instead of 1.12 as v1.12 seems to have changed quite a lot.

Installation commands:

 ./configure --with-zlib=/home/yhuangci/soft/zlib-1.2.11-gcc --prefix=/home/yhuangci/soft/hdf5-1.10.6-pgi-16cos7 --enable-hl
 make check

The check process meets problem:

VDS SWMR tests failed with 1 errors.

I searched a while but seldom useful results returned. After make clean, I used make only and there is no error report. Here I just hope to have a quick check if this outcome supports the NetCDF compiling.

Set bashrc:

# set hdf5
export PATH=$HDF5/bin:$PATH
export INCLUDE=$HDF5/include:$INCLUDE

source the bashrc, install the NetCDF, pay attention to assign the compiler and disable the remote application (We do not need it now):

CPPFLAGS='-I${H5DIR}/include -I${ZDIR}/include' LDFLAGS='-L${H5DIR}/lib -L${ZDIR}/lib' ./configure --prefix=${NCDIR} --disable-dap CC=pgcc
make check
make install


Then bind the Fortran libs.

CPPFLAGS='-I${H5DIR}/include -I${ZDIR}/include -I/home/yhuangci/soft/netcdf-473-pgi-16cos7/include' LDFLAGS='-L${H5DIR}/lib -L${ZDIR}/lib -L/home/yhuangci/soft/netcdf-473-pgi-16cos7/lib' ./configure --prefix=${NCDIR} FC=pgfortran
make check
make install

Great! All done! It seems that the specific item in HDF5 make check does not influence the ensuing compiling process of the NetCDF. The CMAQ can be compiled using the above configurations in NetCDF.

Updated 2020-03-23

