(This is purely fictional. Any similarity to actual persons or events is purely coincidental.)
I was invited by Dr. J to deliver a talk in CD. Upon landing, the driver picked me up and expressed a keen interest in my experiences in the Fishing Village. He shared that his child had achieved a score of approximately 630 in high school, which holds potential for admission to a good university. He conveyed the strong pressure he felt regarding his son’s future and mentioned the efforts he and his wife had made to provide a better educational environment by relocating to CD. Meanwhile, his friends stayed in their hometown were doing well in business and finding success, which left him feeling somewhat disheartened.
He told me that his son hopes to study electronics in a famous local Univerisityu, and he desires for his son to attend a university that would ensure a stable job upon graduation. He also criticized the unfair competition young people face when trying to secure a “stable” job.
I made sure to commend his dedication and sacrifices for providing his son with a quality educational environment. I shared my journey from a small village to YT, a coastal city that offered me a wonderful educational experience and shaped who I am today. The southeastern coastal cities provide more equal opportunities and higher salaries. I encouraged him to respect his son’s interests and aspirations, emphasizing the importance of seizing opportunities to make a difference. He agreed and recognized the value of embracing potential opportunities.
In contrast, I visited Dr. J the following day. He dominated our conversation, steering the discussion toward research projects and funding, emphasizing the challenges of managing a team and the critical need to secure projects and financial support. I noticed that he seemed somewhat dismissive of the current economic slowdown, although he did acknowledge the existence of unemployed individuals. He mentioned that he benefited from lower prices in ride-hailing services. When he goes out on weekends with his family, he opts for ride-hailing instead of driving his own car, valuing the convenience and cost-effectiveness.
During my visit to Dr. J, I also used a ride-hailing service. Upon getting into the car, the driver informed me that he had waited for 30 minutes before receiving my order, and the final fare was about 1.2 green coins. I wondered how much he could earn from such a ride. As we chatted, he expressed frustration that some passengers arriving from the airport refused to pay an additional fee for crossing districts, leaving him with no choice but to suggest canceling the ride.
At the dinner hosted by Dr. J, I had a brief conversation with a young staff member from the QH Institute. When she learned that I was currently working in the Fishing Village, she exclaimed, “Wonderful! You earn green paper; that is hard currency!” I was impressed by her response. She hailed from a northwestern province, in which few people can even name the major cities. Interestingly, she was equipped with an iPhone 14 or 15 Pro.
During the dinner, I also spoke with a leader from the institute, who demonstrated a broad and deep knowledge of modern history. However, I sensed a strong sense of nationalism rooted in his perspective. I couldn’t determine whether this viewpoint stemmed from his professional position or from his long-term beliefs.
Finally, another driver took me to the airport. I slept for a good portion of the trip, but as we approached the airport, we engaged in conversation. He directly asked whether I had obtained the passport for the Fishing Village. I was surprised and replied that it would still be two years. He then praised the excellent educational and medical facilities in the village and encouraged my wife and me to stay there for the long-term benefits.
This experience led me to several key conclusions:
至于向每个人都发钱,是不是相当于都没发的问题,就不再解释了。而这种“直升机撒钱”的做法,如果持续化和常规化,是实践所谓的全民基本收入(Universial Basic Income)。
在创世区块里,中本聪嵌入了2009年1月3日,泰晤士报头版头条的标题:“The Times 03/Jan/2009 Chancellor on brink of second bailout forbanks.”
市场观察的目的,并非紧张兮兮、分秒必争地跟随价格涨跌,而是保持对交易环境的敏感,并让这份鲜嫩多汁的思考感受,参与到边缘系统(Limbic system)构建情绪记忆数据库的过程当中。
当时有一支非常流行的ETF(实际为ETN,exchange-traded note,交易所交易票据)名为XIV,这支XIV一度被称为傻子闭着眼睛买,都能够赚钱的神奇标的。XIV的代号,是把芝加哥期权交易所(CBOE)波动率指数VIX反过来写,其底层标的是持有挂钩做空VIX的短期期货,也就是说,VIX下跌,即市场波动率下降的过程中(通常表现为美股稳定上涨),XIV也将稳定上涨,且由于期货升水(Contango)效应,XIV能够获得比大盘指数更高的回报。SEC对XIV有如下介绍:
The return on the ETNs is linked to the inverse of the daily performance of the S&P 500 VIX Short-Term Futures™ Index ER less the investor fee. The ETNs provide traders with an exchange traded instrument enabling them to efficiently express their market views on the short-term futures contracts on the CBOE SPX Volatility Index® (the “VIX®”). :
这是一种典型的压路机前捡钢镚的投机,尽管在大部分时候是可以赚到钱的,但是一旦It works until it not works这种事件发生,影响将是致命的。
黄金GLD和长期美债ETF TLT同样下跌。
从货币政策所处的阶段来看,2018年全年有点类似轻量级的2022年,由于rate hiking,整体流动性趋紧,多数资产震荡下跌。但就长期配置而言,类似2月波动性末日事件对应的快速凌厉的下跌,往往是不错的buy the dips的点位。
You can always find a reason to sell, but it may be the timing to buy.
最后的最后,其实XIV还有一个兄弟,ProShares的SVXY,在2018年2月5日的波动性末日之后,下跌了91%,但是Proshares并没有像瑞信一样,对SVXY清盘,而是调降了其杠杆倍数后,继续运作:ProShares kept their products with somewhat changed investment objectives multiples in order to reduce their target exposure to the S&P 500 VIX Short-Term Futures Index. SVXY multiple was reduced to -0.5x.