- “Batch” Gradient Descent: Each step use all training examples.
Multivar linear regression
- learning rate alpha choices: 0.001, 0.003, 0.01, 0.03, 0.1, 0.3, 1… 3X test
- quadratic function / cubic function / third-order term
- polynomial regression
- Matrix inverse computational complexity O(n^3)
- Normal equation, use when feature numbers less than 10000 or so.
- Gradient descent complexity O(kn^2), where k is the number of iterations (epochs)
- Non-invertable matrix (singular/degenerate)
- Cause 1: Redundent feature with linear relationship
- Cause 2: Too many features (m«n)
- Clunkier 笨重的
- v= 1:0.1:2 arithmetic sequence
- ones(2,3) zeros(2,3) eye(3) rand(2,3)
- randn(2,3) % Guassian Distribution ~N(0,1)
- size(X), size(X,1), size(X,2)
- load(featureX.dat) % load a data file
- whos % command gives you variables in the current scope.
- clear X % delete X variable
- v = X(1:10) % slice
- save test.mat v % save v into test.mat file
- save test.txt v -ascii
- clear % clear all variables
- A=[A, [2; 4]] % matrix append a col vector to the rightmost position of A
- A(:) % squeeze nd data to 1d
- C = [A B]; C=[A;B] % right append and bottom append
- AB; A.B; % matrix multiplication and element-wise multiplication
- log(A); exp(A) % element-wise operation
- v + ones(length(v),1)
- [val, ind] = max(a)
- find(a<3) % return index
- [nrow, ncol]=find(A >= 7)
- sum(a); prod(a); % prod is the product of each element in a
- floor(a); ceil((a);
- max(A,[],1) % get max in each column
- max(A,[],2) % get max in each row
- sum(A, 1); sum(A,2); % column sum and row sum
- filpud(A) % FLIPUD Flip array in up/down direction.
- Plot
- plot(t,y1); hold on; plot(t,y2); xlabel(‘time’); ylabel(‘val’); legend(‘sin’, ‘cos’)
- print -dpng ‘myplot.png’
- figure(1); plot(t,y1)
- figure(2); plot(t,y2)
- subplot(1,2,1); % divides canvas into 1x2 subdomain and access the first domain.
- subplot(1,2,1); plot(t,y1); subplot(1,2,2); plot(t,y2)
- axis([0.5 1 -1 1]) % set X axis from 0.5 to 1, and Y axis from -1 to 1
- imagesc(A) % plot the matrix in heatmap
- imagesc(A), colorbar, colormap gray; % in gray scale
- comma chaining of commands would echo the result.
- Control
- for i=1:10, v(i)=i^2; end;
- ind = 1:10; for i=ind,
- if elseif else
- function y = f(x); y = x^2;
- function y1, y2 = f(x) % multiple values return
- summation n. 求和
- reciprocal 倒数
- apostrophe 撇号
Carefully follow the matrix size after each vectorized operation, of particular caution is that matlab would perform add/subtract between 1-by-n and n-by-1 matrix by broadcasting the matrix to fit n-by-n size.