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POP output file


pop output files are named as pop.h.xxxx, tavg= averaged over certain time period.

Table: Current available tavg fields
Name Units Description
SHF W/m2 Surface Heat Flux
SFWF mm/day Surface Freshwater Flux (p-e)
SSH cm Sea Surface Height
H2 (SSH2 in CESM1) cm2 SSH2
H3 unitless x(SSH))2 + (Δy(SSH))2
TAUX dyne/cm2 Zonal windstress
TAUY dyne/cm2 Meridional windstress
UVEL cm/s Zonal Velocity
VVEL cm/s Meridional Velocity
KE cm2/s2 Horizontal Kinetic Energy (U2 + V2)/2
TEMP oC Potential Temperature
SALT g/g Salinity
TEMP2 oC2 Temperature2
SALT2 (g/g)2 Salt2
UET oC/s East Flux of Heat
VNT oC/s North Flux of Heat
WTT oC/s Top Flux of Heat
UES g/g/s East Flux of Salt
VNS g/g/s North Flux of Salt
WTS g/g/s Top Flux of Salt
UEU cm/s2 East Flux of Zonal Momentum
VNU cm/s2 North Flux of Zonal Momentum
UEV cm/s2 East Flux of Meridional Momentum
VNV cm/s2 North Flux of Meridional Momentum
PV 1/s Potential Vorticity
Q g/cm4 z-derivative of potential density
PD g/cm3 Potential density referenced to surface
UDP erg Pressure work
PEC g/cm3 Potential energy release due to convection
NCNV adjustments/s Convective adjustments per second
WTU cm/s2 Top flux of Zonal Momentum
WTV cm/s2 Top flux of Meridional Momentum
ST oCg/g Temperature*Salinity
RHO g/cm3 In-situ density


Table: Additional available CESM1 tavg fields
Name Units Description
QFLUX Watts/m2 Internal Ocean Heat Flux Due to Ice Formation; heat of fusion > 0 or ice-melting potential < 0
BSF Sv Barotropic Stream Function
TFW_T Watts/m2 T flux due to freshwater flux
TFW_S kg/m2/s S flux due to freshwater flux (kg of salt/m^2/s)
RESID_T Watts/m2 Free-Surface Residual Flux (T)
RESID_S kg/m2/s Free-Surface Residual Flux (S)
QSW_HTP Watts/m2 Solar Short-Wave Heat Flux in top layer
QSW_HBL Watts/m2 Solar Short-Wave Heat Flux in boundary layer
SHF_QSW Watts/m2 Solar Short-Wave Heat Flux
PREC_F kg/m2/s Precipitation Flux from Coupler (rain+snow)
SNOW_F kg/m2/s Snow Flux from Coupler
EVAP_F kg/m2/s Evaporation Flux from Coupler
MELT_F kg/m2/s Melt Flux from Coupler
ROFF_F kg/m2/s Runoff Flux from Coupler
IOFF_F kg/m2/s Ice Flux from Coupler due to Land-Model Snow Capping
SALT_F kg/m2/s Salt Flux from Coupler (kg of salt/m^2/s)
SENH_F kg/m2/s Sensible Heat Flux from Coupler
LWUP_F Watts/m2 Longwave Heat Flux (up) from Coupler
LWDN_F Watts/m2 Longwave Heat Flux (down) from Coupler
MELTH_F Watts/m2 Melt Heat Flux from Coupler
IFRAC unitless fraction Ice Fraction from Coupler
HMXL and HMXL_2 cm Mixed-Layer Depth
XMXL and XMXL_2 cm Maximum Mixed-Layer Depth
TMXL cm Minimum Mixed-Layer Depth
HBLT cm Boundary-Layer Depth
XBLT cm Maximum Boundary-Layer Depth
TBLT cm Minimum Boundary-Layer Depth
FW cm/s Freshwater Flux
ADVT cm/oC/s Vertically-Integrated T Advection Tendency
ADVS cm g/km/s Vertically-Integrated S Advection Tendency
dTEMP_POS_2D oC max positive column temperature timestep diff
dTEMP_NEG_2D oC max negative column temperature timestep diff
KAPPA_ISOP cm2/s Isopycnal diffusion coefficient
KAPPA_THIC cm2/s Thickness diffusion coefficient
HOR_DIFF cm2/s Horizontal diffusion coefficient
DIA_DEPTH cm Depth of the Diabatic Region at the Surface
TLT cm Transition Layer Thickness
INT_DEPTH cm Depth at which the Interior Region Starts
UISOP cm/s Bolus Velocity in grid-x direction (diagnostic)
VISOP cm/s Bolus Velocity in grid-y direction (diagnostic)
WISOP cm/s Vertical Bolus Velocity (diagnostic)
ADVT_ISOP cm/oC/s Vertically-Integrated T Eddy-Induced Advection Tendency (diagnostic)
ADVS_ISOP cm g/km/s Vertically-Integrated S Eddy-Induced Advection Tendency (diagnostic)
VNT_ISOP oC/s Heat Flux Tendency in grid-y Dir due to Eddy-Induced Vel (diagnostic)
VNS_ISOP g/km/s Salt Flux Tendency in grid-y Dir due to Eddy-Induced Vel (diagnostic)
KVMIX cm2/s Vertical diabatic diffusivity due to background or Tidal Mixing + background
KVMIX_M cm2/s Vertical viscosity due to background or Tidal Mixing + background
TPOWER erg/s Energy Used by Vertical Mixing
VVC_BCK cm2/s Vertical viscosity due to background
USUBM cm/s Submeso velocity in grid-x direction (diagnostic)
VSUBM cm/s Submeso velocity in grid-y direction (diagnostic)
WSUBM cm/s Vertical submeso velocity (diagnostic)
ADVT_SUBM cm/oC/s Vertically-Integrated T submeso Advection Tendency (diagnostic)
ADVS_SUBM cm g/km/s Vertically-Integrated S submeso Advection Tendency (diagnostic)
VNT_SUBM oC/s Heat Flux Tendency in grid-y Dir due to submeso Vel (diagnostic)
VNS_SUBM oC/s Salt Flux Tendency in grid-y Dir due to submeso Vel (diagnostic)
HLS_SUBM cm Horizontal length scale used in submeso
VDC_T cm2/s total diabatic vertical TEMP diffusivity
VDC_S cm2/s total diabatic vertical SALT diffusivity
UVEL2 cm2/s2 Velocity in grid-x direction
VVEL2 cm2/s2 Velocity in grid-y direction
WVEL2 cm2/s2 Vertical Velocity2
RHO_VINT g/cm2 Vertical Integral of In-Situ Density
SFWF_WRST kg/m2/s Virtual Salt Flux due to weak restoring
TAUX2 dyne2/cm4 Windstress2 in grid-x direction
TAUY2 dyne2/cm4 Windstress2 in grid-y direction
SSH2 (H2 in LANL POP) cm2 SSH2
VVC cm2/s total vertical momentum viscosity
VDC_BCK cm2/s Vertical diabatic diffusivity due to background

