CAM Standalone
dtime=1200, nsplit=6, nspltrac=2, nspltvrm=2
nsplit----Number of dynamics timesteps per physics timestep. If zero, a best-estimate will be automatically calculated.
nspltrac----Number of tracer advection timesteps per physics timestep. Nsplit is partitioned into nspltrac and nsplit/nspltrac, with the latter being the number of dynamics timesteps per tracer timestep, possibly rounded upward; after initialization, the code quantity nsplit is redefined to be the number of dynamics timesteps per tracer timestep.
nspltvrm----Number of vertical re-mapping timesteps per physics timestep. Nspltrac is partitioned into nspltvrm and nspltrac/nspltvrm, with the latter being the number of tracer timesteps per re-mapping timestep, possibly rounded upward; after initialization, the code quantity nspltrac is redefined to be the number of tracer timesteps per re-mapping timestep.
CESM Script
<entry id="NCPL_BASE_PERIOD" value="day" /> <entry id="ATM_NCPL" value="48" />
上面那行的设置代表coupler耦合频率的单位,value对应为日,下面那行是在coupler耦合单位内,ATM通过coupler和其他模块耦合的次数,值为48,即每天耦合48次,可以理解为积分步长为1800s(半小时),如果要更改积分步长为900s,将48改为96即可。同时我们可以注意到这个值在后面的语句中分别被赋给了LND OCN等其他模块,保证各个模块的耦合频率一致。如果没有正确修改dtime, nsplit, nspltrac, nspltvrm这些变量,则会出现Bad namelist settings for FV subcycling报错。
#Up to 20140831#
#Up to 20141108#